
putting it off.


as you can tell my room is a wreck.
but thats nothing new.
ive finished cleaning my bathroom.
which to no surprise, was just as bad.
ive been watching friends for the past four hours.
and in my room so far ive organized my underwear drawer and my shoes.
ive cleaned up none of the mess pictured.
but this is what i do.
the things that are completely unnecessary are checked off of my list first.
i did not need to sort out my entire under-the-sink area, but i did.
i also did not need to refold all of my shorts, but that, i also did.
what i need to do is unpack from the beach.
and hang up the clothes that i hung up before i went to the beach.
but of course those things are placed on the back burner and done at the last minute.
i dont understand why i do these things.
but its in every aspect of my life.
from completing little projects due two weeks from that day before hard papers i have procrastinated on until the day before to cleaning, what i absolutely have to do, i do very last.
in a way im saving myself a few minutes from having to endure the one thing i dread doing.
i need to fix it.
but hey, lets face it, nothings going to change.
i might end up cleaning all of those clothes out of my floor since i slept sixteen hours last night.
and im not tired at all.
or maybe ill just lay in my bed and watch some more of season ten disk three.
we will see.
goodnight everyone.

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